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Ensuring Safe Stillage Operations: A Comprehensive Guide by Lowe Stillages & Cages

At Lowe Stillages & Cages, we prioritise safety in stillage operations, aligning with the guidelines set by the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER). In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on addressing the risks associated with stillage operations. By following these steps, you can create a safer work environment, minimize the risk of accidents or injuries, and ensure compliance with regulations.

Step 1: Risk Assessment

Conduct a thorough risk assessment specific to stillage operations. Identify potential hazards and prioritise risk control measures to mitigate them. Lowe Stillages & Cages can assist you in conducting comprehensive risk assessments tailored to your operations.

Step 2: Implement Control Measures

Based on the risk assessment findings, implement appropriate control measures to mitigate identified risks. This may include engineering controls, administrative controls, or the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). We provide guidance on suitable control measures to enhance safety.

Step 3: Manual Handling Techniques

Train employees on proper manual handling techniques for stillages. Promote ergonomics, teamwork, and provide guidance on weight limits, handholds, and posture. Our experts can provide comprehensive training programs tailored to stillage operations.

Step 4: Load Capacity and Stability

Ensure employees are aware of load capacity limits and the importance of load distribution and stability. Train them on securing mechanisms and proper stacking practices to prevent collapses or toppling of stillages. We offer guidance on load capacity and stability considerations.

Step 5: Safe Stacking and Storage

Communicate and enforce safe stacking and storage practices. Train employees on proper alignment, weight distribution, and stacking heights. Emphasise secure stacking to prevent accidents and maintain stability. Our experts can provide detailed instructions for safe stacking and storage.

Step 6: Equipment Selection and Maintenance

Select, use, and maintain stillages in accordance with PUWER guidelines. Regularly inspect stillages for defects, damage, or wear. We offer guidance on equipment selection, maintenance, and record-keeping practices.

Step 7: Training and Instruction

Provide comprehensive training and instruction covering PUWER regulations, hazard recognition, safe handling practices, and emergency procedures. Our training programs ensure employees are equipped with the necessary knowledge for safe stillage operations.

Step 8: Supervision and Monitoring

Maintain regular supervision and monitoring of stillage operations. Provide feedback, correct unsafe behaviours, and recognise employees for adhering to safe practices. We emphasise the importance of active supervision and monitoring.

Step 9: Incident Reporting and Investigation

Encourage employees to report incidents, accidents, or near misses related to stillage operations. Conduct thorough investigations to identify root causes and implement corrective actions. Our experts can guide you through incident reporting and investigation processes.

Step 10: Review and Continuous Improvement

Regularly review risk assessments, incident reports, and employee feedback to identify areas for improvement. Update safety procedures, training programs, or control measures based on lessons learned. We support continuous improvement in stillage operations.

Step 11: Communication and Consultation

Foster open communication and consultation between employees, supervisors, and management regarding stillage operations. Encourage active employee participation, suggestions, and reporting of potential hazards or concerns. Our team promotes a culture of safety and collaboration.

By following these steps, employers can ensure safer stillage operations in alignment with PUWER regulations. Lowe Stillages & Cages is committed to providing you with the guidance and support needed to create a safer work environment, reduce risks, and achieve compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines. Choose Lowe Stillages & Cages for reliable stillage solutions and comprehensive safety expertise.